AMC - Maggie Young Blog

maggies_blog_header.jpgHe's my boss. It could be that I spent two days trying to secure a restaurant reservation for his birthday lunch. Except, he never asked me to do that. And, he never gave me any reason to think he'd want to dine with me on his birthday.  But there I go, orchestrating a whole birthday celebration for a man who has nothing to give. However, it has been nine years. He should be ready. But who am I to think if he was ready that it would be me he'd be ready for? UGH! I want Sophie to have a dad. This is so catty I know, but I overheard him and Tanya in the hall trying to figure out a clue to the crossword puzzle. I figured it out, in pen, on the train that morning. Four leaf clover in Latin is marsilia quadfrolia. Satisfying to know that eight years of Latin has availed me nothing. Because I wanted to run out in the hallway and tell her. But I didn't. I didn't want to tell her, I wanted to tell him. But, like I said, I didn't. I should have. Maybe he likes her. Or maybe he doesn't like anyone, including me. And maybe I am totally out of my mind. Sophie just woke up. I have to go put her back to bed. Looking forward to another day of unrequited lust...


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